Delivery, assessment and quality assurance in apprenticeships.
Date: 6th February 2019
Venue: The Apprenticeship Centre, Park Business Centre, Wood Lane, Erdington,
Birmingham B24 9QR
Times: 9:30am for a 10:00am start – 3:30pm
Cost: £160.00 including lunch, refreshments and a free, signed copy of The best assessor’s guide: Apprenticeships version.
To reserve a place go to or if you would like more information then please contact Jan on 07375 508654 or email -
This event is for those involved in the on-programme delivery, end-point assessment and/or quality assurance of apprenticeships. Hilary will provide a friendly and informal backdrop to discuss where we are now with:
• end-point assessment
• on-programme delivery (including the 20%)
• the changing role of the IQA
The main focus of the day will be on teaching, learning and assessment and where quality assurance fits. Delegates will explore principles and apply these to their own practice linked to the apprenticeship standards and/or assessment plans for which they are responsible.
Session Title
9:30am for 10:00am start
Arrival and refreshments
1 Policy background
- Post-16 and post-18 skills plans and where apprenticeships fit
- overview/reminder of the roles and who does what in apprenticeships
2 The end-point assessor’s role
- changes to practice
- emerging challenges
3 On-programme delivery
- Planning the curriculum
- What about the 20% OTJ?
- delivering on and near-the job training
- making learning relevant to the job
4 Quality assurance (QA)
- on-programme QA
- QA of end-point assessment
3:30pm close Hilary will be available for informal questions at the end of the day.